File dll dimulai dengan P

Nama file Deskripsi
puiapi.dll puiapi DLL
puiobj.dll PrintUI Objects DLL
PurchaseWindowsLicense.dll Purchase Windows License
purifiera.dll NULL
PuruPuru_Win32.dll N/A
pvrtexlib.dll PVRTexLib Extension
pwlauncher.dll Windows To Go Launcher
pwmtr32v.dll ThinkPad Power Manager Background Monitor
pwmtr64v.dll Lenovo Hardware Settings Background Monitor
pwrshmsg.dll Microsoft PowerShell EventLog Message Dll
pwrshplugin.dll pwrshplugin.dll
pwrshsip.dll Crypto SIP provider for signing and verifying PowerShell script files (.ps1/.ps1xml)
pwsdata.dll PWS Data Collector
pwsso.dll Windows To Go Shell Service Object
px.dll Px
pxc_nt.dll NULL
pxcview.dll Viewer Simple SDK Libary
pxdrv.dll Px Unit Table
pxfoundation_x64.dll PxFoundation 64bit Dynamic Link Library
pxmas.dll PxMas
pxpvdsdk_x64.dll PxPvdSDK 64bit Dynamic Link Library
pxsdkpls.dll Primo Software Development Kit
pxwave.dll PxWave
pxwma.dll PxWMA.dll
python.dll N/A
PYTHON22.DLL Python Core
python23.dll Python Core
python24.dll N/A
python25.dll Python Core
python26.dll Python Core
python27.dll Python Core
python33.dll Python Core
python34.dll Python Core
python35.dll Python Core
python36.dll Python Core
python37.dll Python Core
python38.dll Python Core
python39.dll c4b75218b11808db4a04255574b2eb33
pywintypes24.dll N/A
pywintypes27.dll NULL