Microsoft Dll-Tiedostot

Tiedostonimi Kuvaus
SensorsApi.dll Sensor API
SensorsClassExtension.dll Sensor Driver Class Extension component
SensorsCpl.dll Open Location and Other Sensors
SensorsHIDClassDriver.dll HID Sensor Class Driver
SensorsServiceDriver.dll Sensors Service Driver
sensrsvc.dll Microsoft Windows ambient light service
serialui.dll Serial Port Property Pages
servdeps.dll Snapin-moduler för WMI
ServiceModelRegMigPlugin.dll ServiceModelReg Migration Plugin
serwvdrv.dll Unimodem Serial Wave driver
SessEnv.dll Remote Desktop Configuration service
setbcdlocale.dll MUI Callback for Bcd
SetNetworkLocation.dll Set Network Location Utility
SettingMonitor.dll Setting Synchronization Change Monitor
SettingsHandlers.dll System Settings Handlers Implementation
SettingSync.dll Setting Synchronization
SettingSyncCore.dll Setting Synchronization Core
SettingSyncInfo.dll Setting Synchronization Information
SettingSyncPolicy.dll SettingSync Policy
setup.dll Microsoft Setup Bootstrapper
setupapi.dll Windows Setup API
SetupCleanupTask.dll SetupCleanupTask Task
setupcln.dll Setup Files Cleanup
setupdll.dll DLL för installationsprogrammet för Windows 2000
setupetw.dll Setup ETW Event Resources
setupres.dll VS Setup UI Resource DLL
setupwbv.dll Progman på Kontrollpanelen i Internet Explorer
sfc_os.dll Windows File Protection
sfc.dll Windows File Protection
sfcfiles.dll Windows 2000 System File Checker
sfmapi.dll Windows NT Macintosh File Service Client
shacct.dll Shell Accounts Classes
sharemediacpl.dll Share Media Control Panel
SHDOC401.DLL Shell Doc Object and Control Library - IE 4.01 compat
shdoclc.dll Shell Doc Object och Control Library
SHDOCVW.DLL Shell Doc Object och Control Library
shell32.dll Windows Shell Common Dll
shellstyle.dll DLL-fil med resurser för Windows-användargränssnittsstil
shfolder.dll Shell Folder Service
shgina.dll Windows Shell User Logon
shimeng.dll Shim Engine DLL
shimgvw.dll Visningsprogram för bilder och fax
shlwapi.dll Shell Light-weight Utility Library
shmedia.dll Shell-tillägg för extrahering av mediefilsegenskaper
shmig.dll shmig
shpafact.dll Windows Shell LUA/PA Elevation Factory Dll
shrink.dll SHRINK DLL
shscrap.dll Shell OLE-klipphanterare
shsetup.dll Shell setup helper
shsvcs.dll DLL-fil för Windows Shell-tjänster
shunimpl.dll Windows Shell Obsolete APIs
shwebsvc.dll Windows Shell Web Services
signdrv.dll WMI provider for Signed Drivers
sigtab.dll Inställningar för filintegritet
SimAuth.dll EAP SIM run-time dll
SimCfg.dll EAP SIM config dll
simptcp.dll Simple TCP/IP Services Service DLL
sirenacm.dll MSN Messenger Audio Codec
sisbkup.dll Single-Instance Store Backup Support Functions
SkyDriveTelemetry.dll Telemetry Library for the OneDrive client
slayerxp.dll DLL-fil med tilläggsfliken Kompatibilitet
slc.dll Software Licensing Client Dll
slcc.dll Software Licensing Commerce Client
slcext.dll Software Licensing Client Extension Dll
slcinst.dll SLC CMI Installer DLL
SLCommDlg.dll Software Licensing UI API
sldlext.dll DownLevel Software Licensing Client Extension Dll
slpts.dll Sleep Study Troubleshooter
slr100.dll System Language Runtime
SLUINotify.dll Software Licensing UI Notification Service
slwga.dll Software Licensing WGA API
slwmi.dll Software Licensing WMI provider
SmartcardCredentialProvider.dll Windows Smartcard Credential Provider
SmartCardSimulator.dll Microsoft Smart Card Simulator Transport
SMBHelperClass.dll SMB (File Sharing) Helper Class for Network Diagnostic Framework
smbwmiv2.dll WMIv2 Provider for SMB File Server/Client
SmiEngine.dll WMI Configuration Core
SmiInstaller.dll WMI Configuration Installer
SmiProvider.dll DISM Settings Provider
smlogcfg.dll Snapin-modulen Prestandaloggar och -varningar
smpclrc1.dll Samsung Printer Driver
smpclrc2.dll Samsung Printer Driver
smphost.dll Storage Management Provider (SMP) host service
SmsDeviceAccessRevocation.dll Sms Device Access Revocation Handler
smspace.dll Storage Management Provider for Spaces
SMSRouter.dll Mobile Broadband SMS Router
smtpapi.dll SMTP Service Client API Stubs
SMTPCons.dll WMI
SndVolSSO.dll SCA Volume
snmpapi.dll SNMP Utility Library
snmpsnap.dll Snapin-modulen SNMP
SNTSearch.dll Sticky Notes Search DLL
SODPPLM2.DLL Управляющий язык Sony DPP
SODPPUI2.DLL Драйвер интерфейса пользователя принтера Sony DPP
SODPPUN2.DLL Sony DPP Printer Uni Driver
softkbd.dll Soft Keyboard Server and Tip
softpub.dll Softpub Forwarder DLL
SortServer2003Compat.dll Sort Version Server 2003
SortWindows61.dll SortWindows61 Dll