Microsoft Fichiers Dll

Nom de fichier La description
localspl.dll Local Spooler DLL
localui.dll Local Monitor UI DLL
LocationApi.dll Microsoft Windows Location API
LocationProvider.dll Location Provider
locdrv.dll CMI plug-in installer for localized drivers
LockScreenContent.dll Windows Lock Screen Content
LockScreenContentHost.dll LockScreenContent Host
log.dll Migration Logging Interface
loghours.dll Dialogruta för schemaläggning
logoncli.dll Net Logon Client DLL
LogProvider.dll DISM Logging Provider
lonsint.dll IIS NT specific library
lpk.dll Language Pack
lpksetupproxyserv.dll COM proxy server for lpksetup.exe
lprhelp.dll LPR Print Monitor
lprmonui.dll Användargränssnitt för LPR-utskriftsövervakare
lsasrv.dll Server-DLL för LSA
LSCSHostPolicy.dll Microsoft Remote Desktop Virtual Graphics Session Licensing Host Policy
lsm.dll Local Session Manager Service
lsmproxy.dll LSM interfaces proxy Dll
luainstall.dll Lua manifest install
lz32.dll LZ Expand/Compress API DLL
Magnification.dll Microsoft Magnification API
MaintenanceUI.dll Maintenance Settings Control Panel
mapi32.dll Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT
MARSCORE.DLL Microsoft Help Center Shell
MbaeApi.dll Mobile Broadband Account Experience API
MbaeApiPublic.dll Mobile Broadband Account API
MbaeXmlParser.dll Mobile Broadband Account Experience Parser
mbsmsapi.dll Microsoft Windows Mobile Broadband SMS API
mbussdapi.dll Microsoft Windows Mobile Broadband USSD API
mcastmib.dll Microsoft Multicast subagent
mcd32.dll OpenGL MCD Client DLL
mcdsrv32.dll MCD Server
MCEWMDRMNDBootstrap.dll Windows® Media Center WMDRM-ND Receiver Bridge Bootstrap DLL
mchgrcoi.dll Medium Changer CoInstaller
mciavi32.dll MCI-drivrutin för Video For Windows
mcicda.dll MCI-drivrutin för cdaudio-enheter
mciole32.dll MCI OLE DLL
mciqtz32.dll DirectShow MCI Driver
mciseq.dll MCI driver for MIDI sequencer
mciwave.dll MCI driver for waveform audio
mcmde.dll MCMDE DLL
mcsrchPH.dll Windows Media Center Search Protocol Handler
mctres.dll MCT resource DLL
mcupdate_AuthenticAMD.dll AMD Microcode Update Library
mcupdate_GenuineIntel.dll Intel Microcode Update Library
Mcx2Svc.dll Media Center Extender Service
McxDriv.dll Media Center Extender Resources
mdhcp.dll COM-gränssnitt för Microsoft MDHCP-klient
MDMAppProv.dll MDM Application Provider
mdminst.dll Modem Class Installer
mdmregistration.dll MDM Registration DLL
MDMSettingsProv.dll MDM Settings Provider
MediaMetadataHandler.dll Media Metadata Handler
MediaPlayer-DLMigPlugin.dll Windows Media Player Downlevel Migration Plugin
memdiag.dll Memory Tester Enhancement
MemoryDiagnostic.dll Microsoft Windows Memory Diagnostic Task Handler
MetadataSys.dll Metadata Property System
mf.dll Media Foundation DLL
mf3216.dll 32-bit to 16-bit Metafile Conversion DLL
mfAACEnc.dll Media Foundation AAC Encoder
mfasfsrcsnk.dll Media Foundation ASF Source and Sink DLL
mfc100.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc100u.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc110.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc110u.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc120.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc120d.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Debug Version
mfc120u.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc140.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc140u.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
Mfc30.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc40.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc40loc.dll MFC Language Specific Resources
mfc40u.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc42.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
MFC42D.DLL MFCDLL Shared Library - Debug Version
mfc42loc.dll MFC Språkspecifika resurser
MFC42LU.DLL MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc42u.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc70.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc70u.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
MFC71.DLL MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc71d.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Debug Version
mfc71u.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc80.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc80u.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc90.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfc90u.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version
mfcans32.dll OLE2ANSI Library - Retail Version
MFCaptureEngine.dll Media Foundation CaptureEngine DLL
mfcm120.dll MFC Managed Library - Retail Version
mfcm120u.dll MFC Managed Library - Retail Version
mfcm140.dll MFC Managed Library - Retail Version
MFCO30.DLL MFCOLE Shared Library - Retail Version
mfcore.dll Media Foundation Core DLL
mfcsubs.dll COM+
mfcuia32.dll Microsoft Windows(TM) OLE 2.0 User Interface Support
mfds.dll Media Foundation Direct Show wrapper DLL