Microsoft Corporation File Dll
Nama file | Deskripsi | Downloads |
name.dll | Name ActiveX Control | 100 |
narrator.resources.dll | 100 | |
ncrypt.dll | Windows NCrypt Router | 100 |
ncryptsslp.dll | Microsoft SChannel Provider | 100 |
ncsi.dll | Network Connectivity Status Indicator | 100 |
ndisnpp.dll | Network Monitor NDIS Network Packet Provider | 100 |
netcorehc.dll | Networking Core Diagnostics Helper Classes | 100 |
netfxocm.dll | Universal Runtime OCM Setup | 100 |
netid.dll | System Control Panel Applet; Network ID Page | 100 |
netiomig.dll | Netio Migration Plugin | 100 |
netoc.dll | Network Optional Component Installer | 100 |
netsetupapi.dll | Network Configuration API | 100 |
netshell.dll | Network Connections Shell | 100 |
netupgrd.dll | Network Upgrade Wizard | 100 |
netvsccoinstall.dll | NetVsc Protocol Driver Coinstaller | 100 |
ngcrecovery.dll | Windows Hello Recovery Helper | 100 |
nisres.dll | Microsoft Network Inspection System Resources | 100 |
nlhtml.dll | HTML filter | 100 |
nlsdata000d.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code | 100 |
nlsdata001d.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code | 100 |
nlsdl.dll | Nls Downlevel DLL | 100 |
nlslexicons000d.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code | 100 |
nlslexicons001d.dll | Microsoft Neutral Natural Language Server Data and Code | 100 |
nmwb.dll | NetMeeting Whiteboard | 100 |
normaliz.dll | Unicode Normalization DLL | 100 |
npdrmv2.dll | DRM Netscape Network Object | 100 |
npwmsdrm.dll | DRM Store Netscape Plugin | 100 |
nsi.dll | NSI Usermode interface DLL | 100 |
ntdll.dll | NT Layer DLL | 100 |
ntdsperf.dll | NT5DS | 100 |
ntlmshared.dll | NTLM Shared Functionality | 100 |
ntoc.dll | NT OC Manager DLL | 100 |
ntvdmcpl.dll | Windows 16Bit Emulation Control Panel | 100 |
ntvdmd.dll | NTVDMD.DLL | 100 |
ntwdblib.dll | SQL Server Client Library | 100 |
oartconv.dll | Microsoft OfficeArt Converter | 100 |
oballoon.dll | Microsoft Office XP component | 100 |
objsel.dll | Object Picker Dialog | 100 |
oc30.dll | Microsoft® OLE Control runtime DLL | 100 |
ocgen.dll | Windows NT | 100 |
ocltint.dll | Microsoft SharePoint Discussions Resources | 100 |
odbc32.dll | ODBC Driver Manager | 100 |
odbctl32.dll | ODBC Helper Function DLL | 100 |
odsole70.dll | odsole70 Dynamic Library | 100 |
oeimport.dll | Windows Mail Import & Export | 100 |
oemiglib.dll | Microsoft Outlook Express Migration Library | 100 |
offfiltx.dll | Microsoft Office Open XML Format Filter | 100 |
office.dll | Microsoft.Office.Core | 100 |
office10.dll | MS Office Global MediaStore Elements re Office10 | 100 |
offowc.dll | Microsoft Office XP Web Components | 100 |
offreg.dll | Offline registry DLL | 100 |
oinfos11.dll | Office Data Provider for WBEM | 100 |
oisapp.dll | Microsoft Office Picture Manager App | 100 |
oisctrl.dll | Microsoft Office 2010 Launcher Control | 100 |
oisgraph.dll | Microsoft Office 2010 Graphics | 100 |
oisintl.dll | Microsoft Office Picture Manager International Resources | 100 |
ole32.dll | Microsoft OLE for Windows | 100 |
oleaut32.dll | OLEAUT32.DLL | 100 |
oledb32.dll | OLE DB Core Services | 100 |
olkfstub.dll | Outlook Shell Hook for Start/Find | 100 |
omadmapi.dll | omadmapi | 100 |
omfc.dll | Microsoft Office MFC | 100 |
onlineidcpl.dll | Online IDs Control Panel | 100 |
opends60.dll | SQL Open Data Services DLL | 100 |
opengl32.dll | OpenGL Client DLL | 3,459 |
osetupui.dll | Microsoft Office 2016 component | 100 |
osppcext.dll | Office Software Protection Platform Client Extension Dll | 100 |
osprovider.dll | DISM OS Services Provider | 100 |
outex.dll | Outlook Exchange User Interface | 100 |
outlacct.dll | Outlook Accounts | 100 |
outlctl.dll | Outlook Controls | 100 |
outlmime.dll | Microsoft Outlook MAPI/MIME Converter | 100 |
outlph.dll | Outlook POP, FAX and MAPI Protocol Handlers | 100 |
outlrpc.dll | Outlook RPC | 100 |
outlvba.dll | Outlook VBA Integration AddIn | 100 |
outlvbs.dll | Outlook VB Script Library | 100 |
outlwab.dll | Outlook Contacts WAB Provider | 100 |
outlwvw.dll | Outlook Web Views | 100 |
owc10.dll | Microsoft Office XP Web Components | 100 |
owc11.dll | Microsoft Office Web Components 2003 | 100 |
owci11.dll | Microsoft Office Web Components 2003 | 100 |
owsclt.dll | Microsoft SharePoint Extensions | 100 |
owssupp.dll | Microsoft SharePoint Client Support | 100 |
pbkmigr.dll | Microsoft Connection Manager Migration Lib | 100 |
pcasvc.dll | Program Compatibility Assistant Service | 100 |
pchshell.dll | Microsoft Help Center Shell | 100 |
pchsvc.dll | Microsoft PCHealth Service Holder | 100 |
pcwutl.dll | Program Compatibility Troubleshooter Helper | 100 |
pdigraph.dll | Microsoft PowerPoint PDI Graph Converter | 100 |
pdm.dll | Process Debug Manager | 100 |
peerdistad.dll | BranchCache AD Interface | 100 |
peprovider.dll | DISM Windows PE Provider | 100 |
perfcentercpl.dll | Performance Center | 100 |
perfos.dll | Windows System Performance Objects DLL | 100 |
pfclnt90.dll | PFCLNT SQL Server Profiler DLL | 100 |
pid.dll | Microsoft PID | 100 |
pidgenx.dll | Pid Generation | 100 |
pkeyhelper.dll | Product Key Helper | 100 |
pkmws.dll | SharePoint Portal Server Windows API Stub Library | 100 |
playtodevice.dll | PLAYTODEVICE DLL | 100 |