Microsoft File Dll

Nama file Deskripsi
AudioEng.dll Audio Engine
AUDIOKSE.dll Audio Ks Endpoint
AudioSes.dll Audio Session
audiosrv.dll Windows Audio Service
auditcse.dll Windows Audit Settings CSE
AuditNativeSnapIn.dll Audit Policy Group Policy Editor Extension
AuditPolicyGPInterop.dll Audit Policy GP Module
auditpolmsg.dll Audit Policy MMC SnapIn Messages
audmigplugin.dll Offline Files Migration Plugin
AUInstallAgent.dll Windows All-User Install Agent
AuthBroker.dll Web Authentication WinRT API
AuthExt.dll Authentication Extensions
authfwcfg.dll Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Configuration Helper
AuthFWGP.dll Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Group Policy Editor Extension
AuthFWSnapin.dll Microsoft.WindowsFirewall.SnapIn
AuthFWSnapIn.Resources.dll N/A
AuthFWWizFwk.dll Wizard Framework
AuthFWWizFwk.Resources.dll N/A
AuthHostProxy.dll Web Authentication Host Proxy
authui.dll Windows Authentication UI
authz.dll Authorization Framework
autodisc.dll Windows AutoDiscovery API
autoplay.dll AutoPlay Control Panel
autorun.dll Autorun Wizard Pages
AutoWorkplaceN.dll AutoWorkplace Native Library
AuxiliaryDisplayApi.dll Microsoft Windows SideShow API
AuxiliaryDisplayClassInstaller.dll Class installer for Microsoft Windows SideShow-compatible devices
AuxiliaryDisplayCpl.dll Microsoft Windows SideShow Control Panel
AuxiliaryDisplayDriverLib.dll Microsoft Windows SideShow class extension component
AuxiliaryDisplayEnhancedDriver.dll Microsoft Windows SideShow class driver
AuxiliaryDisplayServices.dll Microsoft Windows SideShow services
avicap32.dll AVI Capture window class
avifil32.dll Microsoft AVI File support library
avmeter.dll Mätkontroller
avrt.dll Multimedia Realtime Runtime
avtapi.dll TAPI 3.0 Nummersändare och visare för IP-multicast-konferenser
avwav.dll Wave Manipulation Component
Awcapi32.dll Capabilities Interface
Awfxrn32.dll EFAX-filbaserat transportgränssnitt
AWKRNL32.DLL Kernel Extensions
awutil32.dll Fax Utilities
AxInstSv.dll ActiveX Installer Service
azroles.dll azroles Module
azroleui.dll Authorization Manager
AzSqlExt.dll AzMan Sql Audit Extended Stored Procedures Dll
basecsp.dll Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider
basesrv.dll Windows NT BASE API Server DLL
batmeter.dll Battery Meter Helper DLL
batt.dll Battery Class Installer
bcd.dll BCD DLL
bcdprov.dll Boot Configuration Data WMI Provider
bcdsrv.dll Boot Configuration Data COM Server
bckgRes.dll Internet Backgammon Resource DLL
BCP47Langs.dll BCP47 Language Classes
bcrypt.dll Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library
bcryptprimitives.dll Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library
BdeHdCfgLib.dll Windows BitLocker Drive Preparation Tool
bderepair.dll BitLocker Drive Encryption: Drive Repair Tool
bdesvc.dll BDE Service
BdeSysprep.dll BdeSysprep
bdeui.dll Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption User Interface
BFE.DLL Base Filtering Engine
bi.dll Background Broker Infrastructure Client Library
bidispl.dll Bidispl DLL
biocpl.dll Biometrics Control Panel
BioCredProv.dll WinBio Credential Provider
bisrv.dll Background Tasks Infrastructure Service
bitsigd.dll Background Intelligent Transfer Service IGD Support
bitsmig.dll BITS Server Extensions Upgrade
bitsperf.dll Perfmon Counter Access
bitsprx2.dll Background Intelligent Transfer Service Proxy
bitsprx3.dll Background Intelligent Transfer Service 2.0 Proxy
bitsprx4.dll Background Intelligent Transfer Service 2.5 Proxy
bitsprx5.dll Background Intelligent Transfer Service 3.0 Proxy
bitsprx6.dll Background Intelligent Transfer Service 4.0 Proxy
bitsprx7.dll Background Intelligent Transfer Service 5.0 Proxy
biwinrt.dll Windows Background Broker Infrastructure
blackbox.dll BlackBox DLL
blade.dll Blade Software Rasterizer
blb_ps.dll Microsoft® Block Level Backup proxy/stub
BlbEvents.dll Blb Publisher
blbres.dll Microsoft® Block Level Backup Engine Service Resources
BluetoothApis.dll Bluetooth Usermode Api host
bnts.dll Belief Network Troubleshooting
BootMenuUX.dll BootMenuUX
bootres.dll Boot Resource Library
bootstr.dll Boot String Resource Library
bootux.dll bootux
BRCLRD05.DLL OEM Customization Sample
BRCLRD06.DLL OEM Customization Sample
BRCLUI05.DLL OEM UI тестовый модуль.
BRCLUI06.DLL OEM UI тестовый модуль.
brcpl.dll Backup and Restore Control Panel
brcplsdw.dll File and Folder Backup and Restore wrapper for Backup and Restore Control Panel
brcplsiw.dll Windows Complete PC Backup and Restore wrapper for Backup and Restore Control Panel
brdgcfg.dll NWLink IPX Notify Object
bridgemigplugin.dll Offline Files Migration Plugin
bridgeres.dll Bridge Resources
BrmfcWia.dll Brother MFC WIA последовательный мини-драйвер