Microsoft Dll-Filer

Filnamn Beskrivning
P2P.dll Peer-to-Peer Grouping
p2pcollab.dll Peer-to-Peer Collaboration
p2pgasvc.dll Peer-to-Peer Group Authentication Service
p2pgraph.dll Peer-to-Peer Graphing
p2pnetsh.dll Peer-to-Peer NetSh Helper
p2psvc.dll Peer-to-Peer Services
pacerprf.dll Microsoft® Windows(TM) PSched Performance Monitor
packager.dll Object Packager2
PackageStateRoaming.dll Package State Roaming
padrs404.dll Microsoft IME 2012
padrs411.dll Microsoft IME
padrs412.dll Microsoft IME 2012
padrs804.dll Microsoft IME
panmap.dll PANOSE(tm) Font Mapper
pautoenr.dll Auto Enrollment DLL
pbkmigr.dll Microsoft Connection Manager Migration Lib
pcacli.dll Program Compatibility Assistant Client Module
pcadm.dll Program Compatibility Assistant Diagnostic Module
pcaevts.dll Program Compatibility Assistant Event Resources
pcasvc.dll Program Compatibility Assistant Service
pcaui.dll Program Compatibility Assistant User Interface Module
pccompat.dll PC Game Compatibility Module
PCL5ERES.DLL Драйвер принтера PCL5e
PCL5URES.DLL Драйвер принтера PCL5e
PCLXL.DLL PCL-XL драйвер принтера
PCPKsp.dll Microsoft Platform Key Storage Provider for Platform Crypto Provider
PCPTpm12.dll Microsoft Platform Crypto Provider for Trusted Platform Module 1.2
pcsvDevice.dll PCSV Proxy Provider for devices
pcwum.dll Performance Counters for Windows Native DLL
pcwutl.dll Program Compatibility Troubleshooter Helper
pdh.dll Windows Performance Data Helper DLL
pdhui.dll PDH UI
pdm.dll Process Debug Manager
PeerDist.dll BranchCache Client Library
PeerDistAD.dll BranchCache AD Interface
PeerDistCacheProvider.dll BranchCache Export CacheMgr Provider
PeerDistCleaner.dll BranchCache Cache Cleaner
PeerDistHttpTrans.dll BranchCache HTTP Tansport
PeerDistSh.dll BranchCache Netshell Helper
PeerDistSvc.dll BranchCache Service
PeerDistWSDDiscoProv.dll BranchCache WSD Discovery Provider
PerfCenterCPL.dll Performance Center
perfctrs.dll Performance Counters
perfdisk.dll Windows Disk Performance Objects DLL
perfnet.dll Windows Network Service Performance Objects DLL
perfnw.dll Client Service for Netware Counters
perfos.dll Windows System Performance Objects DLL
perfproc.dll Windows System Process Performance Objects DLL
perftrack.dll Microsoft Performance PerfTrack
perfts.dll Windows Terminal Services Performance Objects
pgort100.dll Microsoft® Profile Guided Optimization Instrumentation Runtime
PhotoMetadataHandler.dll Photo Metadata Handler
PhotoViewer.dll Windows Photo Viewer
photowiz.dll Photo Printing Wizard
pid.dll Microsoft PID
pidgen.dll Pid3.0 generation
pidgenx.dll Pid Generation
pifmgr.dll Windows NT PIF Manager Icon Resources Library
PINTLCSA.dll Microsoft Pinyin IME 2012
PINTLMBX.DLL Microsoft Pinyin IME 2012
PJLMON.DLL PJL Language monitor
pku2u.dll Pku2u Security Package
pla.dll Performance Logs & Alerts
PlaMig.dll Performance Logs & Alerts Migration
playlistfolder.dll Playlist Folder
PlaySndSrv.dll PlaySound Service
PlayToManager.dll Microsoft Windows PlayTo Manager
PlayToStatusProvider.dll PlayTo Status Provider Dll
ploptin.dll Prelaunch OptIn
plustab.dll Effects Control Panel extension
pmcsnap.dll pmcsnap dll
PMIGRATE.dll Microsoft Pinyin IME Migration DLL
pngfilt.dll IE PNG plugin image decoder
pnidui.dll Network System Icon
pnpclean.dll Plug and Play Maintenance Task Library
pnpibs.dll PnP IBS module
pnppolicy.dll pnppolicy Task
pnpsetup.dll Pnp installer for CMI
pnpts.dll PlugPlay Troubleshooter
pnpui.dll Plug and Play User Interface DLL
PNPXAssoc.dll PNPX Association Dll
PNPXAssocPrx.dll PNPX Association Dll
pnrpauto.dll PNRP Auto Service Dll
Pnrphc.dll PNRP Helper Class
pnrpnsp.dll PNRP Name Space Provider
pnrpperf.dll PNRP Performance Counter Provider
pnrpsvc.dll PNRP Service Dll
PolicMan.dll N/A
polstore.dll Policy Storage dll
PortableDeviceApi.dll Windows Portable Device API Components
PortableDeviceClassExtension.dll Windows Portable Device Class Extension Component
PortableDeviceConnectApi.dll Portable Device Connection API Components
PortableDeviceStatus.dll Microsoft Windows Portable Device Status Provider
PortableDeviceSyncProvider.dll Microsoft Windows Portable Device Provider.
PortableDeviceTypes.dll Windows Portable Device (Parameter) Types Component
PortableDeviceWiaCompat.dll PortableDevice WIA Compatibility Driver
PortableDeviceWMDRM.dll Windows Portable Device WMDRM Component
pots.dll Power Troubleshooter