Microsoft Những Tập Tin Dll

Tên tập tin Mô tả
mtxlegih.dll N/A
mtxoci.dll Microsoft database support DLL for Oracle
muifontsetup.dll MUI Callback for font registry settings
MUILanguageCleanup.dll MUI Callback for Language pack cleanup
MXDWDRV.DLL Microsoft XPS Document Writer
mxdwdui.dll Ресурс средства записи документов XPS (Майкрософт)
MXEAgent.dll MXE Agent
mycomput.dll Computer Management
mydocs.dll My Documents Folder UI
NAPCRYPT.DLL NAP Cryptographic API helper
napdsnap.dll NAP GPEdit Extension
NAPHLPR.DLL NAP client config API helper
NapiNSP.dll E-mail Naming Shim Provider
napipsec.dll Tvingande NAP IPsec-klient
narrhook.dll Tangentbords- och WinEvent-anslutning för Microsoft Skärmläsaren
NativeHooks.dll Microsoft Narrator Native hook handler
NaturalLanguage6.dll Natural Language Development Platform 6
NcaApi.dll Microsoft Network Connectivity Assistant API
NcaSvc.dll Microsoft Network Connectivity Assistant Service
ncbservice.dll Network Connection Broker
NcdAutoSetup.dll Network Connected Devices Auto-Setup service DLL
NcdProp.dll Advanced network device properties
nci.dll CoInstaller: NET
ncobjapi.dll N/A
NCProv.dll Non-COM WMI Event Provision APIs
ncrypt.dll Windows NCrypt Router
ncryptprov.dll Microsoft KSP
ncryptsslp.dll Microsoft SChannel Provider
ncryptui.dll Windows cryptographic key protection UI library
ncsi.dll Network Connectivity Status Indicator
ncuprov.dll Network Connectivity Statistics Provider for System Resource Usage Monitor Service
ncxpnt.dll Netork Setup Wizard Support DLL
nddeapi.dll Network DDE Share Management APIs
nddenb32.dll Network DDE NetBIOS-gränssnitt
ndfapi.dll Network Diagnostic Framework Client API
ndfetw.dll Network Diagnostic Engine Event Interface
ndfhcdiscovery.dll Network Diagnostic Framework HC Discovery API
ndiscapCfg.dll NdisCap Notify Object
ndishc.dll NDIS Helper Classes
ndisimplatcim.dll NDIS IM Platform WMI Provider
NdisImPlatform.dll Ndis IM Platform MUX Notify Object
ndismigplugin.dll Offline Files Migration Plugin
ndproxystub.dll Network Diagnostic Engine Proxy/Stub
nduprov.dll Network Statistics Provider for System Resource Usage Monitor Service
negoexts.dll NegoExtender Security Package
NetAdapterCim.dll Network Adapter WMI Provider
netapi32.dll Net Win32 API DLL
netbios.dll NetBIOS Interface Library
netcenter.dll Network Center control panel
netcfgx.dll Network Configuration Objects
netcorehc.dll Networking Core Diagnostics Helper Classes
netdacim.dll Microsoft Direct Access WMI Provider
netdiagfx.dll Network Diagnostic Framework
netevent.dll Net Event Handler
NetEventPacketCapture.dll NetEvent Packet Capture Provider
netfxperf.dll Extensible Performance Counter Shim
neth.dll Net Help Messages DLL
netid.dll System Control Panel Applet; Network ID Page
netiohlp.dll Netio Helper DLL
netiomig.dll Netio Migration Plugin
netjoin.dll Domain Join DLL
netlogon.dll Net Logon Services DLL
netman.dll Network Connections Manager
netmsg.dll Net Messages DLL
netnccim.dll DA Network Connectivity WMI Provider
NetPeerDistCim.dll BranchCache WMI Provider
netplwiz.dll Map Network Drives/Network Places Wizard
netprof.dll Network Profile Management UI
netprofm.dll Network List Manager
netprofmsvc.dll Network List Manager
NetProjW.dll Connect to a Network Projector
netprovisionsp.dll Provisioning Service Provider DLL
netrap.dll Net Remote Admin Protocol DLL
NetSetupApi.dll Network Configuration API
netshell.dll Network Connections Shell
netswitchteamcim.dll VM Switch Teaming WMI Provider
NetTCPIP.dll TCPIP WMI Provider
nettrace.dll Network Trace Helper
netttcim.dll Transition Technology WMI Objects
netui0.dll NT LM UI Common Code - GUI Classes
netui1.dll NT LM UI Common Code - Networking classes
netui2.dll NT LM UI Common Code - GUI Classes
netutils.dll Net Win32 API Helpers DLL
NetVscCoinstall.dll NetVsc Protocol Driver Coinstaller
netvscres.dll Библиотека ресурсов минипорта NDIS виртуальной машины
networkexplorer.dll Network Explorer
networkitemfactory.dll NetworkItem Factory
networkmap.dll Network Map
NetworkStatus.dll Network Status Interface
newdev.dll Add Hardware Device Library
nexpsRC.dll NEC Color MultiWriter Class Driver String Resource DLL
ninput.dll Microsoft Pen and Touch Input Component
NL7Data0011.dll Microsoft Japanese Natural Language Data and Code
NL7Data001E.dll Microsoft Thai Natural Language Data and Code
NL7Data0404.dll Microsoft Chinese Traditional Natural Language Data and Code
NL7Data0804.dll Microsoft Chinese Simplified Natural Language Data and Code
NL7Lexicons0011.dll Microsoft Japanese Natural Language Data
NL7Lexicons001E.dll Microsoft Thai Natural Language Data
NL7Lexicons0404.dll Microsoft Chinese Traditional Natural Language Data