Файлы Dll, начиная с D

Название файлы Описание
dmutil.dll Logical Disk Manager Utility Library
dmvdsitf.dll Disk Management Snap-in Support Library
dmvscres.dll Библиотека ресурсов динамической памяти виртуальной машины
DmxBici.dll Photo Gallery Bici
dnAnimation.dll N/A
dnCommon.dll N/A
dnsapi.dll DNS Client API DLL
dnsclientcim.dll Network Management Value Objects
dnsclientpsprovider.dll DNS Client WMIv2 Provider
dnscmmc.dll DNS Client MMC Snap-in DLL
dnsext.dll DNS extension DLL
dnshc.dll DNS Helper Class
dnslookup.dll N/A
dnsmgr.dll DNS Snapin
dnsrslvr.dll DNS Caching Resolver Service
dnssd.dll Bonjour Client Library
dnutility.dll NULL
docobj.dll Microsoft DocObject Interface Marshaller
docprop.dll OLE DocFile Property Page
docprop2.dll Microsoft shell-tillägg för dokumentegenskaper
docshell.dll NULL
documentformat.openxml.dll DocumentFormat.OpenXml
DocumentPerformanceEvents.dll Documents and Printing Performance Events
dot3api.dll 802.3 Autoconfiguration API
dot3cfg.dll 802.3 Netsh Helper
Dot3Conn.dll Wired Network Connection Flows
dot3dlg.dll 802.3 UI Helper
dot3gpclnt.dll 802.3 Group Policy Client
dot3gpui.dll 802.3 Network Policy Management Snap-in
dot3hc.dll Dot3 Helper Class
dot3mm.dll Wired Network Media Manager
dot3msm.dll 802.3 Media Specific Module
dot3svc.dll Wired AutoConfig Service
dot3ui.dll 802.3 Advanced UI
download.dll Download.dll
downloader.dll Downloader
dpapi.dll Data Protection API
dpapiprovider.dll dpapiprovider DLL
dpapisrv.dll DPAPI Server
dpcdll.dll dpcdll-modul
dpfpdd.dll dpfpdd Reader Interface
dphftrex.dll Fingerprint Recognition Library Features Extraction Component
dpl100.dll dpl100
dplay.dll Microsoft DirectPlay
dplayx.dll Microsoft DirectPlay
dpmodemx.dll Modemanslutning och seriell anslutning för DirectPlay
dpnaddr.dll Microsoft DirectPlay8 Address
dpnathlp.dll Microsoft DirectPlay NAT Helper UPnP
dpnet.dll Microsoft DirectPlay
dpnhpast.dll Microsoft DirectPlay NAT Helper PAST
dpnhupnp.dll Microsoft DirectPlay NAT Helper UPNP
dpnlobby.dll Microsoft DirectPlay8 Lobby
dpnmodem.dll Modemprovider för Microsoft DirectPlay8
dpnwsock.dll Winsock-provider för Microsoft DirectPlay8
dps.dll WDI Diagnostic Policy Service
dpserial.dll Microsoft DirectPlay Modem Service Provider
dpvacm.dll ACM-provider Microsoft DirectPlay Voice
dpvoice.dll Röstfunktioner för Microsoft DirectPlay
dpvvox.dll Voxware-provider för Microsoft DirectPlay Voice
dpwsock.dll Microsoft DirectPlay Local Net Service Provider
dpwsockx.dll Internet TCP/IP och IPX-anslutning för DirectPlay
dpx.dll Microsoft(R) Delta Package Expander
dragonfly.dll N/A
drawdeviced3dz.dll NULL
DreamScene.dll Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Extra: Windows DreamScene
drffmpeg.dll N/A
DriverMgr.dll DriverMg Dynamic Link Library
drkPvr_Win32.dll N/A
drmclien.dll DRM Client DLL
drmmgrtn.dll DRM Migration DLL
drmstor.dll DRM Store DLL
drmv2clt.dll DRMv2 Client DLL
DrophackProtection1.1.dll N/A
drpcunlr.dll DRPCUNLR (64Bit)
drprov.dll Microsoft Terminal Server Network Provider
drt.dll Distributed Routing Table
drtprov.dll Distributed Routing Table Providers
drttransport.dll Distributed Routing Table Transport Provider
drv43260.dll RealVideo 9
drvc.dll RealVideo 8+9
drvmgrui.dll 360驱动大师
drvsetup.dll Microsoft (R) Driver Setup
drvstore.dll Driver Store API
ds_mng.dll ds_mng
ds16gt.dLL N/A
ds32.dll DemoShield Hook Function Dll
ds32gt.dll ODBC Driver Setup Generic Thunk
dsauth.dll DS Authorization for Services
DscCore.dll DSC
DscCoreConfProv.dll DSC
DscCoreR.dll DSC
dsclient.dll Data Sharing Service Client DLL
Dscpspluginwkr.dll N/A
dscrt40.dll RunTime Library
dsdmo.dll DirectSound Effects
dsdmoprp.dll DirectSound Effects Property Pages
DSDrv.dll DSDrv
Dsdrv34.dll Helper DLL to access Dscaler drivers Dsdrv4
dsengine.dll C++ Application Development Framework
DSETUP.DLL Загрузчик драйвера Direct