Microsoft Corporation Dll-Filer
Filnamn | Beskrivning | Nedladdningar |
cmmigr.dll | Microsoft Connection Manager Migration Lib | 100 |
cmsetacl.dll | Connection Manager ACL update | 100 |
cmutil.dll | Microsoft Connection Manager Utility Lib | 100 |
cntrtextmig.dll | Microsoft Performance Counter Migration Lib | 100 |
cnvsshrd.dll | Canvas shared | 100 |
coloradapterclient.dll | Microsoft Color Adapter Client | 100 |
combase.dll | Microsoft COM for Windows | 1,111 |
comctl32.dll | Common Controls Library | 100 |
coml2.dll | Microsoft COM for Windows | 100 | | 100 | |
compluslm.dll | Complus Library Manager Package | 100 |
comrepl.dll | COM+ | 100 |
comuid.dll | COM+ Explorer UI | 100 |
concrt140.dll | Microsoft® Concurrency Runtime Library | 2,054 |
confmrsl.dll | NetMeeting Interface Marshaling Library | 100 |
conhostv2.dll | Console Window Host | 100 |
consentux.dll | Device Broker Consent Prompt | 100 |
contab32.dll | Outlook Address Book Service | 100 |
coremessaging.dll | Microsoft CoreMessaging Dll | 100 |
coreuicomponents.dll | Microsoft Core UI Components Dll | 100 |
corpol.dll | Microsoft COM Runtime Execution Engine | 100 |
crtdll.dll | Microsoft C Runtime Library | 100 |
crypt32.dll | Crypto API32 | 100 |
cryptbase.dll | Base cryptographic API DLL | 100 |
cryptcatsvc.dll | Cryptographic Catalog Services | 100 |
cryptuiwizard.dll | Microsoft Trust UI Provider | 100 |
cryptxml.dll | XML DigSig API | 100 |
cscdll.dll | Offline Files Temporary Shim | 100 |
cscmig.dll | Microsoft Offline Files Migration Plugin | 100 |
cscomp.dll | Visual C# Compiler | 100 |
cscompmgd.dll | cscompmgd.dll | 100 |
csiagent.dll | CSI Agent | 100 |
ctapi3t2.dll | CTAPI v3 to 2 converter | 100 |
culture.dll | Microsoft Globalization Support | 100 |
custommarshalers.dll | Microsoft .NET Framework Custom Marshalers | 100 |
custsat.dll | custsat | 100 |
d2d1.dll | Microsoft D2D Library | 100 |
d3d10_1.dll | Direct3D 10.1 Runtime | 100 |
d3d10_1core.dll | Direct3D 10.1 Runtime | 100 |
d3d10ref.dll | Direct3D 10.1 Reference Device | 100 |
d3d10sdklayers.dll | Direct3D 10.1 SDK Layers | 100 |
d3d10warp.dll | Direct3D Rasterizer | 100 |
d3d11installhelper.dll | Direct3D 11 Install Helper DLL | 100 |
d3d11on12.dll | Direct3D 11On12 Runtime | 100 |
d3d9.dll | Direct3D 9 Runtime | 100 |
d3dcompiler_45.dll | Direct3D HLSL Compiler | 100 |
d3dcompiler_46.dll | Direct3D HLSL Compiler | 100 |
d3dcompiler_47.dll | Direct3D HLSL Compiler | 100 |
d3dref.dll | Microsoft Direct3D | 100 |
d3dx10_37.dll | Microsoft Direct3D | 100 |
d3dx11_43.dll | Direct3D 10.1 Extensions | 100 |
d3dx9d_24.dll | Debug | 100 |
d3dx9d_25.dll | Debug | 100 |
d3dx9d_39.dll | Debug | 100 |
d3dx9d_41.dll | Direct3D 9 Extensions Debug | 100 |
d3dx9d_42.dll | Direct3D 9 Extensions Debug | 100 |
d3dx9d_43.dll | Direct3D 9 Extensions Debug | 100 |
dacom.dll | NULL | 100 |
dafmigplugin.dll | Device Association Framework Migration Plugin | 100 |
dafwsd.dll | DAF WSD Provider | 100 |
dao360.dll | Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library | 100 |
datgdes.dll | MSDatGrd.OCX | 100 |
dbgcore.dll | Windows Core Debugging Helpers | 100 |
dbghelp.dll | Windows Image Helper | 100 |
dbmsadsn.dll | Named Pipes Net DLL for SQL Clients | 100 |
dbmsvinn.dll | ConnectTo VINES Net Library | 100 |
dbres.dll | Windows Desktop Search component | 100 |
dcomp.dll | Microsoft DirectComposition Library | 100 |
ddao35.dll | Microsoft DAO C++ Library | 100 |
ddp_ps.dll | Microsoft Data Deduplication Service proxy/stub | 100 |
debuggerproxy.dll | Microsoft Visual Studio Internal Debugging Proxy/Stub | 100 |
defaultlocationcpl.dll | Default Location Control Panel | 100 |
detoured.dll | Marks process modified by Detours technology. | 100 |
devenum.dll | Device enumeration. | 100 |
deviceaccess.dll | Device Broker And Policy COM Server | 100 |
devicepairingfolder.dll | Device Pairing Folder | 100 |
devicesetupstatusprovider.dll | Device Setup Status Provider Dll | 100 |
devinv.dll | Device Inventory Library | 100 |
devobj.dll | Device Information Set DLL | 100 |
devrtl.dll | Device Management Run Time Library | 100 |
devshl.dll | Microsoft (R) Developer Studio Shell | 100 |
dfsext.dll | DFS Extensions Library | 100 |
dggpext.dll | Device Guard Group Policy CSE | 100 |
diagcpl.dll | Troubleshooting Control Panel | 100 |
diager.dll | Diagnostic ER Module | 100 |
diagnostic.dll | Diagnostic Module | 100 |
diagtrack.dll | Microsoft Windows Diagnostics Tracking | 100 |
diasymreader.dll | Dia based SymReader | 100 |
difxapi.dll | Driver Install Frameworks for API library module | 100 |
dismapi.dll | DISM API Framework | 100 |
dismcore.dll | DISM Core Framework | 100 |
dismcoreps.dll | DismCore Proxy Stub | 100 |
dismprov.dll | DISM Provider Store | 100 |
dlgsetp.dll | Delegate Access Extension | 100 |
dmband.dll | Microsoft DirectMusic Band | 100 |
dmcmnutils.dll | dmcmnutils | 100 |
dmenterprisediagnostics.dll | ETW for MDM Enterprise Diagnostics | 100 |
dmiprovider.dll | DISM Driver Provider | 100 |
dmpushproxy.dll | dmpushproxy | 100 |
dmutil.dll | Funktionsbibliotek för Hanteraren för logiska diskar | 100 |