Dll files starting with C

Filename Description
CertEnrollUI.dll X509 Certificate Enrollment UI
certmgr.dll Snapin-modul för certifikat
CertPolEng.dll Certificate Policy Engine
certprop.dll Microsoft Smartcard Certificate Propagation Service
ceutil.dll Registry Utility Library
cewmdm.dll Windows CE WMDM Service Provider
cfgbkend.dll Configuration Backend Interface
cfgmgr32.dll Configuration Manager Forwarder DLL
CFHDDecoder64.dll CineForm Decoder DLL
cfine32.dll Canon Color Module
CFLite.dll N/A
cfmifs.dll FmIfs Engine
cfmifsproxy.dll Microsoft® FmIfs Proxy Library
CFNetwork.dll CFNetwork
cg.dll Cg Core Runtime Library
cgal_core-vc110-mt-4.4.dll CGAL_Core Library
CGAL-vc110-mt-4.4.dll CGAL Library
cgD3D9.dll Cg D3D9 Runtime Library
cggl.dll Cg GL Runtime Library
cgsdk.x64_2015.dll NULL
ch341dll.dll DLL for CH341 parallel, by W.ch
ch7xxnt5.dll Digital Display Minidriver for Intel(R) Graphics Driver
Chakra.dll Microsoft ® Chakra (Private)
chameleon.dll Chameleon
charlotte.dll charlotte Dynamic Link Library
chartdir41.dll ChartDirector DLL
chartv.dll Chart View
chd_wmp.dll NULL
ChilkatCrypt2.dll Chilkat Crypt2 ActiveX Component
chilkatdelphi32.dll Chilkat Delphi DLL 32bit
chilkatdelphi64.dll Chilkat Delphi DLL 64bit
chilkatdelphixe.dll Chilkat 32bit Delphi DLL
chkwudrv.dll Search Windows Update for Drivers
chrmodels.dll NULL
chrome_child.dll Google Chrome
chrome_elf.dll Google Chrome
chrome_watcher.dll Google Chrome
chrome.dll Google Chrome
chromeengine2.dll NULL
chsbrkr.dll Simplified Chinese Word Breaker
ChsPinyinDS.DLL Microsoft IME
ChsRoaming.DLL Microsoft IME
ChsWubiDS.DLL Microsoft IME
chtbrkr.dll Chinese Traditional Word Breaker
ChtChangjieDS.DLL Microsoft IME
chtmbx.dll Microsoft CHT IME Handwriting applet
ChtPhoneticDS.DLL Microsoft IME
ChtQuickDS.DLL Microsoft IME
chusbdll.dll DLL for USBCAN, by gcg
ChxAdvancedDS.DLL Microsoft IME
ChxEM.DLL Microsoft IME
chxmig.dll Microsoft IME
ChxProxyDS.DLL Microsoft IME
CHxReadingStringIME.dll CHxReadingStringIME
ChxUserDictDS.DLL Microsoft IME
ci.dll Code Integrity Module
ciadmin.dll CI Administration (MMC)
cic.dll CIC - MMC controls for Taskpad
cimwin32.dll WMI Win32 Provider
Cinmst32.dll CineMaster Software DVD Decoder
ciodm.dll Indexing Service Admin Automation Objects
CIPUtil.dll Autodesk component
CIRCoInst.dll USB Consumer IR Driver coinstaller for eHome
citizengame.dll NULL
citthreading.dll CITThreading, ( 32 bit )
cityhash.dll NULL
ciwincng32.dll NULL
cjeca32.dll Treiberkomponenete für cyberJack(R) Kartenleser
ck2.dll CK2 DLL
ckzlib.dll NULL
cl.dll abac343ab0894dc0f019e1a8e1a269b7
claasc.dll Clarion 9.0 ASCII File Driver
clados.dll Clarion 8.0 DOS File Driver
clarun.dll Clarion 9.0 Runtime Library
ClassLib.dll N/A
clatps.dll Clarion 9.0 TopSpeed File Driver
clb.dll Column List Box
clbcatex.dll N/A
clbcatq.dll N/A
clfsw32.dll Common Log Marshalling Win32 DLL
cliconfg.dll SQL Client Configuration Utility DLL
client.dll N/A
clkern.dll Cracklock Kernel
clmint.dll Autodesk Component
clmloader.dll Autodesk Component
CloakNTEngine.dll N/A
clr.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Common Language Runtime - WorkStation
clrcompression.dll Native data compression routines
clrhost.dll In Proc server for managed servers in the Windows Runtime
clrjit.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime JustInTime Compiler
clusapi.dll Cluster API Library
cm2math1_x64_47.dll CM2 Math1 DLL
Cmc.dll N/A
cmcfg32.dll Microsoft Connection Manager Configuration Dll
cmcs21.dll CMCS21
cmdext.dll cmd.exe Extension DLL
cmdhtml.dll cmdhtml.dll
cmdial32.dll Microsoft Connection Manager