Microsoft Corporation Những Tập Tin Dll
Tên tập tin | Mô tả | Tải xuống |
appidapi.dll | Application Identity APIs Dll | 100 |
appidsvc.dll | Application Identity Service | 100 |
appinfo.dll | Application Information Service | 100 |
applicationframe.dll | Application Frame | 100 |
appreadiness.dll | AppReadiness | 100 |
appresolver.dll | App Resolver | 100 |
appsruprov.dll | Application System Resource Usage Monitor (SRUM) provider | 100 |
appvisvsubsystems32.dll | AppVIsvSubsystems32 | 994 |
appxalluserstore.dll | AppX All User Store DLL | 100 |
appxapplicabilityengine.dll | AppX Applicability Engine | 100 |
appxdeploymentclient.dll | AppX Deployment Client DLL | 100 |
appxpackaging.dll | Native Code Appx Packaging Library | 100 |
appxprovider.dll | DISM App Package (.appx) Provider | 100 |
appxstreamingdatasourceps.dll | APPX Streaming Data Source COM Proxy/Stub DLL | 100 |
appxsysprep.dll | AppX Sysprep Provider | 100 |
arunres.dll | Autorun Wizard Page Resources | 100 |
asfsipc.dll | ASFSipc Object | 100 |
asp.dll | Active Server Pages | 100 |
aspnet_counters.dll | Microsoft ASP.NET Performance Counter Shim DLL | 100 |
aspnet_filter.dll | Microsoft ASP.NET ISAPI Filter DLL | 100 |
aspnet_isapi.dll | Microsoft ASP.NET ISAPI Shim DLL | 100 |
aspnet_rc.dll | aspnet_rc.dll | 100 |
assocprovider.dll | DISM Assoc Provider | 100 |
asycfilt.dll | Microsoft OLE 2.40 for Windows NT(TM) and Windows 95(TM) Operating Systems | 100 |
ati_d3d.dll | ATI Mach64 DirectDraw 3D HAL. | 100 |
atl.dll | ATL Module for Windows XP (Unicode) | 100 |
atl100.dll | ATL Module for Windows | 100 |
atl110.dll | ATL Module for Windows | 100 |
atl71.dll | ATL Module for Windows (Unicode) | 100 |
atl90.dll | ATL Module for Windows (Unicode) | 100 |
audioeng.dll | Audio Engine | 100 |
audiokse.dll | Audio Ks Endpoint | 100 |
audioses.dll | Audio Session | 100 |
audmigplugin.dll | Offline Files Migration Plugin | 100 |
authfwsnapin.resources.dll | 100 | |
authfwwizfwk.resources.dll | 100 | |
authzax.dll | Microsoft Office Authorization Control | 100 |
autoplay.dll | AutoPlay Control Panel | 100 |
autoworkplace.resources.dll | 100 | |
auxiliarydisplaycpl.dll | Microsoft Windows SideShow Control Panel | 100 |
awlft332.dll | f8f1286436e979b77845d82275a46620 | 3,534 |
awlhut32.dll | d0bb92ce21a1f486e5b05ef9dd9ed361 | 2,133 |
awlzrd32.dll | b11552cde011df83f0e597b35889e30f | 3,716 |
basebrd.dll | Windows Base Branding Resource Dll | 100 |
bcd.dll | BCD DLL | 100 |
bckg.dll | Zone Backgammon Client | 100 |
bcp47langs.dll | BCP47 Language Classes | 100 |
bcrypt.dll | Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library | 100 |
bcryptprimitives.dll | Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library | 100 |
bidi32.dll | BIDI32 DLL | 100 |
bidispl.dll | Bidispl DLL | 100 |
biocpl.dll | Biometrics Control Panel | 100 |
bitsigd.dll | Background Intelligent Transfer Service IGD Support | 100 |
bjablr32.dll | Outlook LDAP Address Book Provider | 100 |
blb_ps.dll | Microsoft® Block Level Backup proxy/stub | 100 |
bootres.dll | Boot Resource Library | 100 |
bootstr.dll | Boot String Resource Library | 100 |
bootvid.dll | VGA Boot Driver | 100 |
branding.dll | MS Office Branding Companion | 100 |
brcpl.dll | Backup and Restore Control Panel | 100 |
brpinfo.dll | BRPINFO Module | 100 |
bthmigplugin.dll | Offline Files Migration Plugin | 100 |
bwunpairelevated.dll | BWUnpairElevated Proxy Dll | 100 |
c_g18030.dll | GB18030 DBCSUnicode Conversion DLL | 100 |
c_is2022.dll | ISO2022 Code Page Translation DLL | 100 |
c_iscii.dll | ISCII Code Page Translation DLL | 100 |
c2r32.dll | Microsoft Office 2016 component | 100 |
c2r64.dll | Microsoft Office 2016 component | 100 |
c2rintl.en-us.dll | Microsoft Office | 100 |
c2rui.dll | Microsoft Office ClicktoRun | 100 |
callbuttons.proxystub.dll | Windows Runtime CallButtonsServer ProxyStub DLL | 100 |
callcont.dll | Call Control Module | 100 |
capicom.dll | CAPICOM Module | 100 |
cbscore.dll | Component Based Servicing Core DLL | 100 |
cbsprovider.dll | DISM Package Provider | 100 |
cbva.dll | Windows Media Center Content Analysis Filter Module | 100 |
cdd.dll | Canonical Display Driver | 100 |
cdlmso.dll | Microsoft CDL | 100 |
cdoex.dll | مكتبة كائنات البيانات التعاونية لشركة Microsoft ÙÂي مكتبة Microsoft Exchange | 100 |
cdonts.dll | Collaboration Data Objects Interface DLL | 100 |
certenroll.dll | Microsoft® Active Directory Certificate Services Enrollment Client | 100 |
ceutil.dll | Registry Utility Library | 100 |
cfgbkend.dll | Configuration Backend Interface | 100 |
cfgmgr32.dll | Configuration Manager DLL | 100 |
chtmbx.dll | Microsoft CHT IME Handwriting applet | 100 |
chxmig.dll | Microsoft IME | 100 |
ci.dll | Code Integrity Module | 100 |
ciadmin.dll | CI Administration (MMC) | 100 |
ciodm.dll | Indexing Service Admin Automation Objects | 100 |
clb.dll | Column List Box | 100 |
clr.dll | Microsoft .NET Runtime Common Language Runtime WorkStation | 100 |
clrcompression.dll | Native data compression routines | 100 |
clrjit.dll | Microsoft .NET Runtime JustInTime Compiler | 100 |
cmi2migxml.dll | CMI To MigXML Translation | 100 |
cmicryptinstall.dll | Installers for cryptographic elements of CMI objects | 100 |
cmifw.dll | Windows Defender Firewall rule configuration plugin | 100 |
cmipnpinstall.dll | PNP plugin installer for CMI | 100 |
cmisetup.dll | Windows Component Configuration | 100 |
cmitrust.dll | Installers for trustInfo and related elements | 100 |
cmiv2.dll | CMI Configuration Management API | 100 |