Microsoft Corporation Dll Files

Filename Description
appidapi.dll Application Identity APIs Dll
appidsvc.dll Application Identity Service
appinfo.dll Application Information Service
applicationframe.dll Application Frame
appreadiness.dll AppReadiness
appresolver.dll App Resolver
appsruprov.dll Application System Resource Usage Monitor (SRUM) provider
appvisvsubsystems32.dll AppVIsvSubsystems32
appxalluserstore.dll AppX All User Store DLL
appxapplicabilityengine.dll AppX Applicability Engine
appxdeploymentclient.dll AppX Deployment Client DLL
appxpackaging.dll Native Code Appx Packaging Library
appxprovider.dll DISM App Package (.appx) Provider
appxstreamingdatasourceps.dll APPX Streaming Data Source COM Proxy/Stub DLL
appxsysprep.dll AppX Sysprep Provider
arunres.dll Autorun Wizard Page Resources
asfsipc.dll ASFSipc Object
asp.dll Active Server Pages
aspnet_counters.dll Microsoft ASP.NET Performance Counter Shim DLL
aspnet_filter.dll Microsoft ASP.NET ISAPI Filter DLL
aspnet_isapi.dll Microsoft ASP.NET ISAPI Shim DLL
aspnet_rc.dll aspnet_rc.dll
assocprovider.dll DISM Assoc Provider
asycfilt.dll Microsoft OLE 2.40 for Windows NT(TM) and Windows 95(TM) Operating Systems
ati_d3d.dll ATI Mach64 DirectDraw 3D HAL.
atl.dll ATL Module for Windows XP (Unicode)
atl100.dll ATL Module for Windows
atl110.dll ATL Module for Windows
atl71.dll ATL Module for Windows (Unicode)
atl90.dll ATL Module for Windows (Unicode)
audioeng.dll Audio Engine
audiokse.dll Audio Ks Endpoint
audioses.dll Audio Session
audmigplugin.dll Offline Files Migration Plugin
authzax.dll Microsoft Office Authorization Control
autoplay.dll AutoPlay Control Panel
auxiliarydisplaycpl.dll Microsoft Windows SideShow Control Panel
awlft332.dll f8f1286436e979b77845d82275a46620
awlhut32.dll d0bb92ce21a1f486e5b05ef9dd9ed361
awlzrd32.dll b11552cde011df83f0e597b35889e30f
basebrd.dll Windows Base Branding Resource Dll
bcd.dll BCD DLL
bckg.dll Zone Backgammon Client
bcp47langs.dll BCP47 Language Classes
bcrypt.dll Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library
bcryptprimitives.dll Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library
bidi32.dll BIDI32 DLL
bidispl.dll Bidispl DLL
biocpl.dll Biometrics Control Panel
bitsigd.dll Background Intelligent Transfer Service IGD Support
bjablr32.dll Outlook LDAP Address Book Provider
blb_ps.dll Microsoft® Block Level Backup proxy/stub
bootres.dll Boot Resource Library
bootstr.dll Boot String Resource Library
bootvid.dll VGA Boot Driver
branding.dll MS Office Branding Companion
brcpl.dll Backup and Restore Control Panel
brpinfo.dll BRPINFO Module
bthmigplugin.dll Offline Files Migration Plugin
bwunpairelevated.dll BWUnpairElevated Proxy Dll
c_g18030.dll GB18030 DBCSUnicode Conversion DLL
c_is2022.dll ISO2022 Code Page Translation DLL
c_iscii.dll ISCII Code Page Translation DLL
c2r32.dll Microsoft Office 2016 component
c2r64.dll Microsoft Office 2016 component
c2rintl.en-us.dll Microsoft Office
c2rui.dll Microsoft Office ClicktoRun
callbuttons.proxystub.dll Windows Runtime CallButtonsServer ProxyStub DLL
callcont.dll Call Control Module
capicom.dll CAPICOM Module
cbscore.dll Component Based Servicing Core DLL
cbsprovider.dll DISM Package Provider
cbva.dll Windows Media Center Content Analysis Filter Module
cdd.dll Canonical Display Driver
cdlmso.dll Microsoft CDL
cdoex.dll مكتبة كائنات البيانات التعاونية لشركة Microsoft في مكتبة Microsoft Exchange
cdonts.dll Collaboration Data Objects Interface DLL
certenroll.dll Microsoft® Active Directory Certificate Services Enrollment Client
ceutil.dll Registry Utility Library
cfgbkend.dll Configuration Backend Interface
cfgmgr32.dll Configuration Manager DLL
chtmbx.dll Microsoft CHT IME Handwriting applet
chxmig.dll Microsoft IME
ci.dll Code Integrity Module
ciadmin.dll CI Administration (MMC)
ciodm.dll Indexing Service Admin Automation Objects
clb.dll Column List Box
clr.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Common Language Runtime WorkStation
clrcompression.dll Native data compression routines
clrjit.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime JustInTime Compiler
cmi2migxml.dll CMI To MigXML Translation
cmicryptinstall.dll Installers for cryptographic elements of CMI objects
cmifw.dll Windows Defender Firewall rule configuration plugin
cmipnpinstall.dll PNP plugin installer for CMI
cmisetup.dll Windows Component Configuration
cmitrust.dll Installers for trustInfo and related elements
cmiv2.dll CMI Configuration Management API